October 18, 2005
 The Best Of ? (Question Mark) & The Mysterians: Cameo Parkway 1966-1967
Abkco 18771-92322 (67:56) 01. I Need Somebody
02. Stormy Monday (Stereo 2:27) Mono 4:55
03. You're Telling Me Lies (Stereo)
04. Ten O'Clock (Stereo)
05. Set Aside (Stereo)
06. Up Side
07. "8" Teen
08. Don't Tease Me (Stereo)
09. Don't Break This Heart Of Mine (Stereo)
10. Why Me (Stereo)
11. Midnight Hour
12. 96 Tears (2:58)
13. Girl (You Captivate Me) Stereo
14. Can't Get Enough Of You Baby (Stereo 1:57) Mono 2:04 on box set
15. Got To (Stereo 2:22) Mono Varies
16. I'll Be Back (Stereo)
17. Shout (Part 1 & 2) Stereo
18. Hangin' On A String (Stereo)
19. Smokes (Stereo 1:52) Mono Varies
20. It's Not Easy (Stereo 2:43) Mono Varies
21. Don't Hold It Against Me
22. Just Like A Rose
23. Do You Feel It (Stereo)
24. Do Something To Me
25. Love Me Baby (Cherry July)
26. Midnight Hour (Unreleased Version) Stereo
27. 96 Tears (Unreleased Version) Stereo (3:03)
First Pressing
Disc Innermost Spine Line: Made In Canada, 13
Middle Line: IFPI6000
Outermost Line: 12, Reversed LT40 92322S #50925V21
Second Pressing (Redbook Standards)
Disc Innermost Spine Line: Blank
Middle Line: IFPI600
Outermost Line: A 9459 92322 C50830-20

ICE February 2006
May 17, 2005 ? (Question Mark) & The Mysterians Original Cameo Recordings 96 TEARS (Mono, 2:59, same length as Pa-Go-Go 45-102 ["2:57"], Cameo album CS-2004 ["2:56"] & Abkco single 4020 ["2:57"]; Cameo single C-428-A ["2:38"] fades way early), I Need Somebody (2:15 Mono) & Can't Get Enough Of You Baby (2:04 Mono) on
Cameo Parkway 1957 - 1967 4 CD Box Set
October 10, 2006 ? (Question Mark) & The Mysterians Original Cameo Recording 96 TEARS on Cameo Parkway:
The Greatest Hits
 Collectables CD (40:21), Color Vinyl Album and Color Vinyl 45rpm Single All Tracks Recorded July 1997 at Bullfrog Recording Studios, Bay City, MI Produced by Chad Cunningham

? (Question Mark) b. Rudolpho Martinez, Mars, Michigan, Jan-Dec 13, 1945 (vocal) Robert Martinez b. Michigan, 1947 (drums) Francisco Hernandez Lugo b. Weslaco, Texas, March 15, 1947 (bass) Robert Lee Balderrama b. O'Donnell, Texas, February 27, 1950 (guitar) Frank Rodriguez, Jr. b. Crystal City, Texas, March 9, 1951 (keyboards) Eduardo Delgado Serrato b. Encial, Texas December 5, 1945 d. Saginaw, Michigan February 24, 2011 (drums)

Record Collector March 1999 ? himself remains the epitome of rock attitude, maintaining that he was born on Mars, that he lived with dinosaurs, and that he will be singing '96 Tears' in the year 10,000. With most faded 60s bands, that would be the end of the story. But a link-up with the Collectables record label produced one of the best revivals of recent years. Collectables is best-known for its huge catalogue of of reissues, mostly doo-wop, R&B and all kinds of 60s music. But when they discovered that the rights to the orignal Cameo label lay with ABKCO, after Allen Klein's takeover in 1967, they decided to fund an album of re-recordings. The sessions duly took place over four days in July 1997. Such re-recordings are normally pale shadows of the originals, to be avoided at all costs, but ? & the Mysterians are the exception to the rule. The core original line-up of ?, Balderrama, Rodriguez, Martinez and Lugo quickly proved that they could still cut killer versions of their songs, often in one take. The 16 track album was supported by live dates that showed they were still one tight and rocking band. They were, and still are, everything that rock should be. ~ Carl Lozito
? (Q) Press Items October 1997-April 1999

? (Question Mark) & The Mysterians conquistaron la industria norteamericana de musica para convertirse en leyenda hispano.
Eran unos punks insolentes, guerreros de garaje. Dirigentes. Visionarios. Eran los primeros muchachos malos, sudaban machismo.
Su legado vive cada vez que un adolescente angustiado se arrastra como reptil y grita grunendo, "Me siento bien."
Eran misteriosos antes que misterioso estaba de onda.
El nombre legal de su cantante es ? (Question Mark). El usa gafas de sol y viste de cuero. Habla en enigmas. Y es el interprete mas excitante en vivo desde James Brown a sus inicios.
? (Question Mark) & The Mysterians llegaron a tener cinco singles de lista nacional (y un disco de lista) durante 1966-1967. Su asombroso "96 Tears" fue el exodo #1 en Billboard, Cash Box y Variety.
El nombre del conjunto deriva de la pelicula japonesa de ciencia ficcion del 1957 The Mysterians (Chikyu Boeigun en japones) de Tamoyuki Tanaka. El grupo se formo en 1964 en el Saginaw Valley de Michigan. Los miembros incluian ? (Question Mark; cantante), Bobby Balderrama (conocido como X; bajo y quitara), Robert Martinez (conocido como Y; bateria) y Larry Borjas (conocido como Z; bajo y guitarra). Eran todos hijos de Tejanos, de trabajadores agricolas migrantes.
The Mysterians (? & XYZ), dirigidos originalmente por Dave Torres, rapidamente se hicieron clientes de Lilian y su marido Joe Gonzales. La familia Gonzales tenia negocios en Michigan y el sudeste de Texas.
A principios de 1966, los Mysterians se preparaban para grabar. Inesperadamente Robert Martinez fue llamado al servicio militar y Larry Borjas se inscribio de forma voluntario al ejercito. La crisis fue resuelto una vez que el baterista Eddie Serrato, el bajista Frank Lugo y el organista Frank Rodriguez, Jr. se hicieron Mysterians.
Ensayando en el sotano de la casa de Frank Rodriguez, el grupo elaboro un arreglo de una cancion llamado "Too Many Teardrops" (Demasiadas Lagrimas). La cancion estaba en la cabeza de ? (Question Mark) desde sus primeros anos. Eddie Serrato sugirio cambiar el nombre de "Too Many Teardrops" a 69, y despues, a "96 Tears."
"96 Tears" y "Midnight Hour" fueron grabados el 13 de Marzo 1966 en el "estudio" patio de Art Shield, 405 Raymond Street, Bay City, MI. El 45 fue publicado como Pa-Go-Go 102. El nombre del etiqueta se formo de Pa(to)-Go(nzales)-Go(nzales). El Pato fue el bodega de Joe Gonzales en Saginaw.
Publicitada personalmente por ? (Question Mark), el 45 Pa-Go-Go "96 Tears" exploto en la sintonia de WTAC Flint, MI y CKLW Detroit, MI / Windsor, Ontario, llegando eventualmente a generar suficiente accion como para atraer la atencion del etiqueta Cameo-Parkway.
Entonces "96 Tears" fue re-publicado como Cameo 428, con una nueva version de "Midnight Hour" en la cara 'B.' El disco entro en la lista Billboard como #112 la semana del 27 de Agosto 1966 y llego al maximo exito como #1 la semana del 29 de Octubre 1966. Fue la cancion #5 de 1966 en las listas de Billboard.
"96 Tears" entro en las listas de WXYZ y WKNR de Detroit la semana del 8 de Agosto 1966, culminando como #1 y #2 respectivamente. "96 Tears" llego a ser #1 en WLS y WCFL de Chicago, #1 en KIMN de Denver, #1 en WADS de Ansonia, CT, #2 en KDKA de Pittsburgh y #4 en CHUM de Toronto.
Rapidamente vinieron actuaciones en el programa Swingin' Time de Detroit y American Bandstand (1 de Octubre 1966) y Where The Action Is de ABC-TV.
"96 Tears" fue certificado Gold (Oro) el 11 de Noviembre 1966. El Premio RIAA fue presentado en una ceremonia primorosa en Saginaw High School.
A principios de Noviembre 1966 salio "I Need Somebody" / "8" Teen (Cameo 441; KIMN Denver #8; Cash Box #22; Billboard #22; WKNR Detroit #22) y el album 96 Tears (Cameo 2006; Record World #30; Cash Box #33; Billboard #66).
La edicion en estereo del elepe 96 Tears incluia versiones Mono de "I Need Somebody," "Up Side," "Midnight Hour," "96 Tears" y "8" Teen. A pesar de afirmaciones publicados al contrario, la cancion "8" Teen de ? (Question Mark) & the Mysterians' nunca fue grabado ni cantado por Alice Cooper!
El elepe 96 Tears tambien incluia "Why Me" (con Tony Orlando como voz auxiliar), el angustiado "Don't Tease Me" y el 2:20 Estereo / 4:55 Mono "Stormy Monday."
? (Question Mark) & the Mysterians' tercer single fue el insaciable "Can't Get Enough Of You Baby" (Nunca Puedo Tenerte Demasiado Nena) /"Smokes" (Cameo 467, March 1967, WTAC Flint, MI #6; WTRX Jonesville, MI #7; WBAM Montgomery AL #11; Billboard #56; Cash Box #51).
La composicion de Sandy Linzer-Denny Randell, "Can't Get Enough Of You Baby," Copyright June 28, 1965, habia sido grabado anteriormente por los Toys y los 4 Seasons. La version de los Mysterians tambien fue subvertido por una introduccion inoportuno al "96 Tears." Tampoco ayudo la competencia de la version de Sue Darby, producida por Linzer-Randell (ABC 10898, Billboard 18 de Febrero 1967).
El 18 de Mayo 1967, la Seleccion de la Semana de WTAC Flint fue la cancion de ? (Question Mark) & the Mysterians "Girl (You Captivate Me)" (Chica, Me Encantas) / "Got To" (Cameo 479; Mayo 1967; WBAM Montgomery, AL #25; Cash Box #94; Billboard #98).
Producido por Neil Bogart y el futuro jefe del etiqueta Midland / Midsong Bob Reno, "Girl (You Captivate Me)" fue escrito por Joey Di Francesca y Alan Dischel. ? (Question Mark) dejo perplejo a los censures cuando pronunciaron la letra como "Girl You Masturbate Me" (Chica, Me Masturbas).
El disco Action (Cameo 2006) fue publicado en Junio 1967. Incluia solo cuatro canciones compuestos por el grupo. Action tambien presentaba anomalias de Mono / Estereo (tambien de duracion) para "It's Not Easy (No es facil)," "Can't Get Enough Of You Baby," "Smokes" y "Got To."
Las sesiones en NYC para "Do Something To Me" / "Love Me Baby (Cherry July)" [Ama me Chica (Julio Cereza)] (Cameo 496; Agosto 1967; Billboard #110) incluian al baterista de reemplazo Peter Woodman. La version de "Do Something To Me" de Tommy James (Roulette 7024; Billboard #39) no fue publicado hasta Octubre 1968.
? (Question Mark) & the Mysterians pre-grabaron "Make You Mine" / "I Love You Baby (Like Nobody's Business) [Te Quiero Chica (Como No Interesa a Nadie), (Capitol 2162; Billboard y Cash Box 20 de Abril 1968) en Birmingham, AL con Mark Taylor como productor. Despues del single Capitol, Jeffrey MacDonald reemplazo a Eddie Serrato en bateria y Lee Shreve reemplazo a Frank Lugo en bajo.
A fines de 1968, el grupo grabo diez canciones para Tangerine Records, un subsidiario de Record Publishing Management (RPM) de Ray Charles. Cuando las sesiones en Los Angeles no rindieron publicaciones, Bobby Balderrama marcho de Mysterians y formo Saith. El Saith tuvo un 45 con la etiqueta Goli. El nombre del etiqueta derivo de Go(nzales)Li(lian).
? (Question Mark) entonces firmo un contrato con Katz-Kasenetz. El resultado fue "Sha La La" / "Hang In" (Mantente Firme) (Super K 102, Enero 1969). The backing track of ? (Question Mark)'s "Sha La La" was also used by The Ohio Express on the MERCY album (Buddah BDS 5037).
Mientras tanto, Tangerine al fin decidio sacar "Ain't It A Shame" (Es Una Vergenza) / "Turn Around Baby (Don't Ever Look Back)" [Date vuelta chica (No Te Vuelvas Atras)] (Tangerine 989; Cash Box 15 de Febrero 1969).
? (Question Mark) recupero con el 45 en estereo "Talk Is Cheap" (Hablar es Facil)/ "She Goes To Church On Sunday" (Ella Va A Misa Los Domingos) (Chicory 410, Abril 1970). El nunca publicado "Laugh And Sing Like The Good Times" (Rie y Canta Como Los Buenos Tiempos) tambien fue grabado para la etiqueta Chicory de Frank Slay.
El catalogo de ? (Question Mark)'s se completa con "Hot 'N' Groovin'" (Ardiente y Estupenda) / "Funky Lady" (Luv 159, Junio 1973), la poco conocido "Time Is On My Side" (El Tiempo Me Favorece) / "Don't Play That Song (You Lied)" [No Tocas Esa Cancion (Mentiste)] (Peacock 001, 1988), Los Dallas Reunion Tapes (Roir 137, 1985) y una invitacion a aparecer en la version de "96 Tears" de The Mad Rapper / Jon Henri Harris (Moneytime 01; Chicago Sun-Times 29 de Marzo 1992; Billboard 15 de Agosto 1992).
Por su invencion del rock garaje/punk ? (Question Mark) & the Mysterians influyeron a innumerables artistas, incluyendo a los Standells, el Chocolate Watch Band, Iggy Pop y Stereolab. "96 Tears" ha sido grabado por Garland Jeffries, el Music Machine, el Music Explosion, los Stranglers, Steel Tips, Big Maybelle, the Residents, Primal Scream y muchos otros.
Despues de millones de emisiones por radio, la cancion sigue siendo un enigma. Se refiere a la venganza? O la muerte? O?
Durante los fines de los 1980 y principios de los 1990 ? (Question Mark) estaba en gira, acompanado normalmente por conjuntos pick-up. El 28 de Julio 1990, ? (Question Mark) y Lou Christie tocaron en el Ravinia Festival de Chicago. La critica del Chicago Tribune: "Correte, Mahler!"
En Octubre 1996, el organista de formacion clasica, Frank Rodriguez, Jr. volvio a Bay City, MI. Dentro de poco, (Question Mark) & the Mysterians reunieron para un ciclo de conciertos exitosos. Hasta roquearon el estreno de la pelicula Selena en Saginaw, MI.
En respuesta a las oraciones de fanaticos del garaje de todo el mundo, las sesiones para esta CD se llevaron a cabo los dias 21, 22, 24 y 30 de Julio 1997 en Bull Frog Recording Studios, Bay City, MI. El grupo estaba en forma. Varias canciones, incluyendo a "Smokes," fueron clavados en un solo toma.
Como proclamo Rolling Stone en un reportaje de 1981, "Question Mark sigue siendo un misterio." Pero no puede haber ninguin Interrogante: este "Misticismo" acierta en la Marca.
~ Harry Young, Agosto 1997
~ Traduccion de Robert Barros
Mad cRapper CD Single PanDisc PDD-097, 1992 12" Single PD-097, 1992 "96 Tears" 1. Radio Mix 3:33 2. Extended Mix 6:02 3. Remix 3:53 4. Instrumental 3:57 Produced & Arranged by The Mad Rapper Engineer: Tim Houser Recorded at Uptown Studios, Owosso, MI PanDisc Music Corporation 843 Washington Ave Miami Beach, Florida 33139 (305) 538-4880 (305) 538-9187

? (Q) Press Items October 1997-April 1999
The Buffalo News
April 1, 1999, Thursday, CITY EDITION
BYLINE: JIM SANTELLA; News Contributing Reviewer
The godfathers of garage punk, ? and the Mysterians are defiant punks.
Garage warriors. Leaders. Visionaries. The original bad boys, dripping with
attitude, sass and a whole lotta soul. ~"Borrowed From" or "Inspired By" Opening Paragraphs of Collectables CD Liner Notes!
In 1968-69, ? (Question Mark) & the Mysterians' Third Album (On Tangerine) Would Have Contained "Ain't It a Shame," "Turn Around Baby (Don't Ever Look Back)," "Candy," "I Got The Power," "You Think You Got It Made," "Cherry July" (New Version), "In The Midnight Hour," "Don't Play That Song," "Why Can't I Love You" & "That's How Strong My Love Is."
Unreleased Cameo Cuts: "If You Need Me" & "Please Don't Do It Again" Both Copyright November 7, 1966
Cameo 467 ? (QUESTION MARK) & THE MYSTERIANS Can't Get Enough Of You Baby / Smokes Cameo 468 THE SEMI-COLONS ? Beachcomber (Bobby Darin) 1:44 Engineer: Dave Moyssiadis Produced by Neil Bogart for Pa-Go-Go Productions / SET ASIDE (Lugo-Serrato-Rodriguez- Martinez-Balderrama) 3:03 Engineer: Dave Moyssiadis Produced by Neil Bogart for Pa-Go-Go Productions
Cameo 478 THE FUN SONS Hang Ten (Terry Knight) 2:22 Engineer: Jack Adams Produced by Bob Reno Arranged by Don Thomas / DON'T HOLD IT AGAINST ME (B. Ross-L. Crane) 1:58 Engineer: Jack Adams Produced by Bob Reno Cameo 479 ? (QUESTION MARK) & THE MYSTERIANS Girl (You Captivate Me) / Got To Thanks to Doug Elliot (Douglas Antreassian), author of "Some Answers About...Question Mark and the Mysterians," Goldmine October 19, 1990

THE ROBERT LEE BAND The Hot New Full-Length Album by Mysterians' guitarist Bobby Balderrama also featuring Mysterians' keyboardist Little Frank Rodriguez 
Bullfrog Records BRRLB2001: 01. My Sweet Time 02. The Bluest Blues 03. Crazy World with VIDEO 04. Bullseye 05. Endless Lies 06. Lockdown Blues 07. One Too Many 08. Even When She's Bad 09. When I Hold You 10. Talk To Me Blues rock. Raw blues. Progressive blues. Feeling. Pain. Artistry. Bullfrog Records proudly presents the first album by the Robert Lee Band.
Robert Lee is the alter ego of Bobby Balderrama (Robert Lee Balderrama, born February 27, 1950 in O'Donnell, Texas), world famous as the ace guitarist of ? (Question Mark) & The Mysterians.
Bobby's scorching guitar was a major factor in the overwhelming success of the comeback album ? (Question Mark) & The Mysterians Featuring "96 Tears" (Collectables CD 2004, October 1997). The album, recorded at Bullfrog Studios and produced by Chad Cunningham, led to a steady stream of sold-out shows and an avalanche of press coverage.
Bobby's credits with ? (Question Mark) & The Mysterians include the original albums 96 Tears (Cameo LP 2004, Billboard review November 12, 1966, entered Cash Box November 12, 1966, #33) and Action (Cameo LP 2006, June 1967).
Bobby also played on (and often co-wrote) the band's legendary singles:
"96 Tears" / "Midnight Hour" (Pa-Go-Go 102, May 1966),
"96 Tears" / "Midnight Hour (New Version)" (Cameo 428, Billboard review August 27, 1966, entered Billboard's Bubbling Under August 27, 1966, peaked at #1 in Billboard week ending October 29, 1966),
"I Need Somebody" / "8" Teen (Cameo 441, entered Billboard's Bubbling Under November 12, 1966, Billboard & Cash Box #22),
"Can't Get Enough Of You Baby" / "Smokes" (Cameo 467, Cash Box review March 11, 1967, #51),
"Girl (You Captivate Me)" / "Got To" (Cameo 479, Billboard & Cash Box reviews May 20, 1967, Cash Box #94 Billboard #98),
"Do Something To Me" / "Love Me Baby (Cherry July)" (Cameo 496, Billboard & Cash Box reviews August 12, 1967, Billboard #110),
"Make You Mine" / "I Love You Baby (Like Nobody's Business)" (Capitol 2162) Billboard & Cash Box reviews April 20, 1968 and
"Ain't It A Shame" / "Turn Around Baby (Don't Ever Look Back)" (Tangerine 989, Cash Box review February 15, 1969).
Leaving ? (Question Mark) & The Mysterians, Bobby Balderrama formed The Saith, releasing the rare single "Bad Days Walk" / "Now On My Own" (Goli GL-501, 1969).
He later formed the Inflight band, issuing "Cut It Loose" / "Lovely Lady" (Sky-Blue 1004, 1975) and "Hey Judy" / "No Time" (Teardrop TD-3416, 1978).
Bobby rejoined ? (Question Mark) & The Mysterians for The Dallas Reunion Tapes (ROIR A-137, 1985) and then toured extensively with Joe "King" Carrasco y las coronas, appearing on the album Bandido Rock (Rounder 9012, 1987).
In addition to ? (Question Mark) & The Mysterians albums on Norton and Cave Stomp, Bobby was a guest star on Ten High's album Party Store (Total Energy CD 3009, 1999).
Robert Lee's debut release, "The Bluest Blues" (Bullfrog Records BFR2000), was well-received and favorably reviewed. 
The stunning CD single also included the non-album original "Ain't No Good."
And now, virtuoso Robert Lee confirms and extends his formidable rep as an unparalleled axeman, vocalist and band leader on this first Bullfrog album.
~ Harry Young, December 2000
 Mysterians cassette-only release mixed at Bullfrog Studios: "Make It Spend It," "Your Love Is Special," "Ride My Bike," "Driving Me Nuts" Invasion Records 000197, 1998 Write: Invasion Records 1520 Sweet Street Saginaw, MI 48602
? (Question Mark) and the Mysterians' "Love Says" on Motor City's Burnin' Volume 2 (Total Energy CD NER30015, 1998) Recorded at Uptown Studios, Owosso, Michigan Write: Alive / Total Energy Records PO Box 7112 Burbank, CA 91510
Smash Mouth performed "Can't Get Enough Of You Baby" (from the Can't Hardly Wait Soundtrack, Billboard #25) on the Tonight Show, Thursday, July 9, 1998.
Search the Bomp List keywords: "Question Mark," "Mysterians"

Rolling Stone April 2, 1970
The Stooges ~ 3 page article by Eric Ehrmann The Stooges were about ready to crash out after a long day. Iggy stands up on one of the hotel beds and and goes into some of his pre-bedtime acrobatics. Bouncing up and down in the bed, as if it were a stage, he points a scornful index finger down to the ground.
"Used to do these moves back home with ? (Question Mark) and the Mysterians when they'd come through town. they were a bunch of Puerto Rican dudes from Saginaw, and a killer group," Ig remembers. "They were being what they really were, but nobody stopped to figure them out. They were 'out kids' just like us. After '96 Tears,' everything was a drag for them. That's what happens when your music gets misunderstood."
Cheree (3:48) / 96 Lagrimas (5:17) Munster Records 7150 Spain 7" 45rpm single w/ Picture Sleeve (1999 Cave Stomp versions)
? (QUESTION MARK) & THE MYSTERIANS: More Action Vinyl LP w/ New Artwork (Munster) Cavestomp Re-Recordings
Don't Give It Up Now Feel It Hanging on a String 96 Tears Girl (You Captivate Me) Can't Get Enough of You Baby Ain't it a Shame? That's How Strong My Love Is Satisfaction Don't Hold It Against Me Do You Feel It? I'll Be Back
Philadelphia USA Varese Vintage Released July 24, 2001 w/ RE-Recorded Versions Of Songs Originally On The Philadelphia-based Cameo-Parkway Labels, Including ? (Question Mark) & The Mysterians' 1990's Cave Stomp RE-Recorded Version Of "96 Tears."
Feel It! The Very Best Of ? (Question Mark) & The Mysterians Varese Vintage 302 066 263 2 Rel. July 24, 2001 RE-Release of 1990's Cave Stomp RE-RECORDINGS.
01. Feel It!
02. Hangin' On A String
03. 96 Tears
04. Girl (You Captivate Me)
05. Can't Get Enough Of You Baby
06. Ain't It A Shame?
07. Cheree
08. Beachcomber
09. It's Not Easy
10. That's How Strong My Love Is
11. Love Me Baby (Cherry July)
12. Don't Hold It Against Me
13. Do You Feel It?
14. Don't Give It Up Now
15. Are You For Real?
~ demo recorded in February 1966
16. I'll Be Back
~ demo recorded in February 1966
17. I Need Somebody
Recorded live at Cavestomp 1-17-98
18. 96 Tears (en Espanol) + Sally Go Round The Roses
Feel It! The Very Best Of ? (Question Mark) & The Mysterians Varese Vintage 302 066 263 2 July 24, 2001 The Varese CD (53:51) is a shorter, re-sequenced REISSUE of the now out of print Krispy-Kreme / Cave Stomp RE-RECORDINGS first released as More Action Enhanced 2 CD Set Safehouse / Cavestomp CS-5002-2, June 1999 2 CDs: (31:13) & (32:09): 21 Tracks The Varese CD deletes the audio track of "Sally Go 'Round The Roses," "(I Can't Get No) Satisfaction" and "Strolling With The Mysterians" (= "96 Tears" Instrumental).
Krispy-Kreme Studio Recordings More Action Enhanced 2 CD Set Safehouse / Cavestomp CS-5002-2, June 1999 CD 1: Don't Give It Up Now (Jeff Conolly) Feel It (Rick McKim-Jed MacKay) Hangin' On A String 96 Tears Girl (You Captivate Me) Can't Get Enough Of You Baby (w/out '96 Tears' organ intro) Ain't It A Shame Cheree (Rev-Vega) Beachcomber (as recorded by THE SEMI-COLONS ?) It's Not Easy I'll Be Back Sally Go 'Round The Roses (Video) CD 2: That's How Strong My Love Is Love Me Baby (Cherry July) Sally Go 'Round The Roses Don't Hold It Against Me Do You Feel It? (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction Strolling With The Mysterians ("96 Tears" Instrumental) Are You For Real? (February 12, 1966 Recording) I'll Be Back (February 12, 1966 Recording) 96 Tears (En Espanol)